
Contributions received for the work of the Foundation will go to mission fields 100% as designated.  No overhead expenses will be deducted from designated contributions by the Foundation.

mission & vision

To transform communities through economic development and micro-enterprise. Sharing the miracle of Jesus, the 5 Loaves and 2 Fish (5L2F)…

Our Partners

  • ​Kingdom Kids Foundation in Thailand
  • GBGM-UMC Mission in Cambodia

How We Work

The Hope5L2F Foundation works with local NGOs and mission entities (mission agencies, missionaries, etc.) in mission fields to transform individual families and faith communities through economic development and microenterprise. 

The focus of the Foundation for the next three years is to develop and expand projects in Southeast Asia. The principle mode for implementing the objective of the Foundation is to always collaborate with entities in the mission fields. 

The Foundation believes that the miracle of Jesus feeding thousands of people on the hillside of Galilee with 5 loaves and 2 fish is still relevant and operational today. The Foundation seeks to serve as an agent to provide opportunities for people to experience the miracle of Jesus. 

In working with our partners in mission fields, donations will be utilized for economic development and microenterprise which will give opportunities for Christians in mission fields to become economically self-sufficient. The Foundation will also provide spiritual training for these Christians to become leaders in their respective faith communities.